High School year–round would help educational progress

All–year–round school could benefit students academically, as well as athletically by keeping them focused. Summer break distracts students’ minds as they lose track of what they’ve already learned and they have trouble returning to class.

There are some students that may agree on the subject of switching to year–round schooling instead of having summer. According to senior Jacob Letwat, year–round school could benefit various sports at BG such as baseball.

“I think it could really help us with our practice schedule,” Letwat said. “It could give us more time to work on improvement.”

According to head baseball coach Tim Miller, schools/districts could easily work out the new schedule if this were to happen.

“We could change the schedule to three months on and a one month off, instead of three months off in the summer,” Miller said. “We could break it up into thirds and instead of semesters have trimesters and have breaks each trimester.”

This may help reduce the stress that many students feel throughout the year. Also, it could help students continue to grow and learn, and stay up to date on their school assignments.

A Duke University study suggested kids attending year–round schools are at a slight advantage because they don’t forget what they learned during the long summer break.

Many times during the year, students can get distracted because they have so much information going in and very little time to metabolize and understand it. Year–round school could help provide time to truly digest information.

With year–round school, students would learn a math formula and then go on break after learning it. During break, the teacher can give students homework, helping students lock the formula down instead of learning it for a test and then immediately forget it.

Year–round school could also improve student and staff absences. It could help keep the number down because with all the breaks students and staff would have time to recover and come back to school healthy and ready to learn or teach. With the lower number of absences, money  could be saved on potential substitute teachers that would be needed for those teacher absences. Also, possibly, some students  who  are frequently ill can catch up quicker because they might be absent for shorter periods of time due to more breaks.

Although there may be many students and staff alike that see year–round school as a bad idea, they have to think of all the times throughout the year they were yearning for a break. Stress levels could drastically reduce if these breaks were implemented. Students would have a lot more time for projects, essays and just normal assignments. This could ultimately increase the quality of student work.

Although the district and school board may have to evaluate factors and make major changes, year–round school gives students an opportunity to learn and grow within a time frame that feels continuous.

Students will be able to maintain a more steady schedule that will be comfortable for them. Since classes will be year–round, students will only pick what they want. Logically, more flexible schedules will create a more unique experience for every student to feel safe in.

Year–round high schools can help students jump start their education through the luxury of time and freedom.