Students create entrepreneurship opportunities through art

Entrepreneurship can take on many forms depending on the entrepreneur’s motivations, goals and, of course, their product. Using their creativity and passions, some BG students have created businesses that have allowed them to develop entrepreneurial skills and gain valuable experience.

“The biggest challenge is often getting started,” business education teacher William Hansen said. “Students might have a great idea or concept for a business, but not know where to begin. Starting a business takes time and certain decision must not be rushed.”

For sophomore Ally Robertson, her concept of a plushie selling business began with her experience of sewing, first using her skills and knowledge of sewing to make plushies as gifts. This hobby of hers has grown into a business with her online store,, and a signature logo as well.

“I would give them as gifts and people liked them so I thought that that would be something people would be interested in buying,” Robertson said.

Annabel Jones, along with Niki Nasis and Emily Mitska started a customized painting business called Lettucepaint, during the summer. Starting as a fun endeavor, they have used their passion for art to customize jeans, calculators and “anything else you can paint.”

“It’s still mostly for fun,” Jones said. “There haven’t been very many orders recently, it’s been a little difficult to find customers.”

For many new entrepreneurs, advertising is a challenge, but also a critical aspect in developing a newly created businesses. Robertson has sells college themed and holiday themed plushies and has used various platforms to get the word out about her plushies to expand her customer base.

“I made an Instagram for the store and we tried Pinterest ads,” Robertson said. “I have not had many orders so I would like to get more from people that live in other places.”

For students looking to start their own business, BG offers a College Entrepreneurship course. According to Hansen, students can work through the entrepreneurial process in groups.

“It is a fantastic opportunity for students who want to start their own business and even those who don’t,” Hansen said. “The course gives students so much real world experience that can translate into any other career field.  The course is also dual-credit and carries AP weight.”

While starting a business may seem daunting and may take a lot of time and commitment, according to Jones the process is also satisfying and rewarding. With inspiration

“I think if you want to start a business, even if you are doing it just for fun, you definitely should,” Jones said. “You learn a lot about how to market your product, and the process can be fun too.”